Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sarah Palin Gender Card

The Gender card can't be used here. It's not fair. It's not right. But it's odd what happens when the tables turn.

Palin is so hot it doesn't matter. None of that will hold her down. Not because she is a woman. Because she is a hott woman.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's official

Wow. Will this be the hottest person to ever meet the white house administration team?

This is my first post. So I suppose it should be the most honest.

Since the moment I laid eyes on her I knew it would be a problem. I have a crush on her but I just bought an Obama t-shirt. What am I to do. I can't switch my vote now. I should probably not vote for her based on my post-puberty aftershock emotions.

But isn't that what this election is about anyways - who do we think is the coolest?

No it can't be. This is our future here. It has to be about their facts. To be candid I'd vote for her if she didnt share a ticket with John "Bomb" McCain.